Guitar  ジミー・ペイジ  Jimmy Page  

好きなプロデューサー : HΛL, 小室哲哉, Max Martin
好きなギタリスト : Johnny Marr -> Kazuhiro Matsuo -> Yngwie Malmsteen
お気に入りの国 : ドイツ と 日本
嫌いな食べ物 :なっとう

2008   年浜崎あゆみやキンキキッズなどのプロデュースを手がけたHΛLより音楽を学ぶすばらしい機会に       恵まれ、それ以来、他のオーストラリア出身の作曲家と共にユニットを組み活動。
2011年  J-Popを世界のオーディエンスに発信する目標のため 楽曲制作、アレンジ、Live等に積極的に      活動している。

Name: Jimmy Page
Age: 28
Hometown: Sydney
After high school Jimmy went to work in the Australian film industry. These were the halcyon days of the Sydney film boom which saw the chance to work on such films as Star Wars and Matrix II & III. It was a life changing experience but inevitably the film bubble burst, providing the chance to switch focus back to his first love - music. In 2008 Jimmy had the wonderful opportunity to study with Japanese production team HΛL. Since then he has created a unit with other Australian composers and in 2011 they are developing it with HΛL - aiming to take J-Pop to an international audience. Favourite Producers: HΛL, Tetsuya Komuro, Max Martin Respected Guitarists: Yngwie Malmsteen, Kazuhiro Matsuo, Johnny Marr Smelliest Food: Natto...